The Pride Guide to STIs is a free online resource developed for use by LGBTQ young adults primarily in a medical clinic setting. The End Stigma, End HIV Alliance commissioned the development of the resource in response to persistently high HIV rates in San Antonio.

The resource was developed by Healthy Futures of Texas alongside young adults, who provided extensive information on the needs of LGBTQ young adults in San Antonio. LGBTQ young adults have consistently been challenging to reach through traditional programs. To address this, Healthy Futures of Texas utilized positive youth development principles outlined by leading health authorities such as the Department of Health and Human Services. HHS notes that, “Programs that involve youth are proven to be more effective at engaging the population and, therefore, to have a greater impact.

Interested in The Pride Guide to STIs? Visit or contact for more information!

About Our Curriculum:

Facilitator Training Information:

A one-day training is available for clinics and community organizations that would like to better understand LGBTQ+ healthcare access and provide additional activities to the young adults they serve. The training includes a manual with more information for facilitators.


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helpful tips.

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