Big Decisions is a medically accurate, abstinence-plus sexual health education curriculum that focuses on helping young people make healthy and informed decisions about sex. Big Decisions is designed to effectively encourage young people to postpone sexual involvement. It also provides guidance and information to young people which can reduce their risks when they do become sexually active.
Interested in Big Decisions curriculum and our two-day training?
Contact 210-802-7938 or for more information!
About Our Curriculum:
Big Decisions has been approved for use in more than 40 school districts across Texas in every region of the state, including the North, South, East, West, and Central Texas, the Panhandle, and the Gulf Coast.

Facilitator Training Information:
Interested in teaching or implementing the Big Decisions curriculum? We offer an in-depth two-day training on Big Decisions. We develop competency on our Four Foundational Principles and offer hands-on tutorials.