- Abstinence can mean different things for different people, but generally it means no sexual contact of any kind, including oral, anal or vaginal sex.
- When used consistently, abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STI’s.
- Your doctor is a great source of information and is there to listen to you.
- Be natural, don’t feel embarrassed—doctors are experienced and trained to have these types of conversations with their patients—they’re here to give you the information you need. The decision to remain abstinent is yours, and together, you and your doctor can work on a plan.
- Write down your questions for the doctor before your appointment so you don’t forget them.
- Ask about the benefits of abstaining from sex until you are ready.
- Ask your doctor to suggest ways in which to talk to your partner or potential partner about your plan to stay abstinent.
- Always ask questions if you’re unsure!