Setting boundaries is an essential part of any and every relationship.

It’s important that every person feels comfortable communicating their wants and needs, without fear of how another person may respond.



find your boundaries.

Emotional Boundaries:

Building trust with a partner can take time. Having clear communication, taking responsibility for your own actions, upholding the integrity of your boundaries, and knowing when to seek help are all important aspects of any relationship.

Physical Boundaries:

In a healthy relationship, partners are able to communicate about their wants and needs, and those things can change over time. You don’t owe anyone anything. Building and respecting physical boundaries is an essential part of any relationship.

understand consent.

Consent is the clear, mutual agreement between two people to have sex. Without consent, sexual advances are considered sexual assault or rape.

Consent is freely given:

It is not implied by what someone wears, if they’re under the influence, or even if they’ve done something sexual with you before. Communicate (i.e. “Is this okay?”), read signs, and stop if your actions are unwanted. If they do not consent, further sexual advances are considered sexual assault or rape.

It’s okay to say no:

Just because you’ve said yes once doesn’t mean you’re obligated to say it again. You can decide at any point that you do not want to have sex or engage in any sexual activity. It’s your choice, and you always have the right to say no. Both partners need to understand and respect that you can change your mind at any time.

Silence does not = consent:

It’s important to pick up and understand different signs that someone may not want to have sex (i.e. not responding to touch, verbally asking you to stop) and communicate with them if you’re unsure. Ask questions and don’t assume someone is okay just because they aren’t saying anything. The absence of no is not consent.

helpful tips.

Here are some helpful ways to start a conversation.