- Choose the right time and place to talk; choose a quiet place free of distractions and a time when you or your partner are not caught up in thinking or doing something else.
- Explain to your partner why you want to talk to him/her about abstinence- every person has different values; explain to your partner why abstinence is important to your values.
- Tell your partner that abstinence can mean different things for different people, but strictly speaking it means no sexual contact of any kind, especially no penis-to-vagina contact, and, when used consistently, abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STI’s. Explain what abstinence means to you.
- Intimate relationships require communication, and communicating abstinence intentions is important. Both partners should be in agreement on the degree of sexual activity that will and won’t be a part of your relationship.
- Discuss ways in which you and your partner can enjoy each other and your relationship without having sex.